

Exciting News!

Hey Friends,

I'm so excited to be back today because I am finally comfortable with sharing why I've been MIA. I've been putting my word of the year, Pursue, into action and that required I get busy working on a time consuming creative project. Along with that, I was reevaluating how I wanted to utilize my three different planners. Now I'm on track and ready to get back to weekly posting and sharing my layouts and the stickers I make to use in each.

I've made my list of different items I said would eventually show up here. I'll be posting these in the order that makes the most sense to my brain, chronologically.  In the coming weeks be on the look out for appointment related printables (with matching stickers just for fun!), my current planner setups, then finally getting back on track with my weekly layouts.

Now on to my big news; I'm working on launching my own Etsy shop, GingerPaperCo. I hope to offer all kinds of planner related goodies like stickers, clips, dashboards, and whatever fun stuff I think supports the purpose of my shop. The shop is currently on vacation mode but if you gander on over you can sign up to be notified by email when we go live. Along that note, you may want to follow @gingerpaperco via Instagram to get sneak peeks.

I gotta get back to work so come back next week to get those printables to help keep your family organized.

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