

Let's back it up

I told you I would tell you about my planner search and wishlist but I want to back up and share a bit about why I'm here, doing this blog. You see, next year, both of my boys will be in elementary school and I feel it's very important to be there when they get home from school. I'm very fortunate to have the opportunity to remain home if I chose. But I require myself to justify that choice so I feel pressure to figure some things out. I'm giving myself this year to test out a few of my interests to see if they can fulfill that justification. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity so I've put much thought into it. I just really hope I have it in me to make it a success.

I have always been a lover of organization and planning. I'm new to this mega trend of planner life but have always kept a planner of some sort. Actually, I think I use to hide it because it wasn't cool to be so outwardly in love with your planner. (Hand in the air) Long time nerd here! I digress but you know where I'm headed with this right!?! Yeah, I want to try to make my passion into a resource that will allow me to be there with, and for, my family. I shared my goals on Tuesday, but failed to share some of my aspirations.

Being creative has become a necessity in my life and melding that with my love of planning has been amazing. I want to enhance my abilities and one day be a part of the design team on one of the many brands I love to use. Here's the truth, I crave the recognition of my abilities. Yikes, I actually put that out there! But isn't that why so many people go to work every. single. day.? I want creating to be my work!

Naturally, I had to figure out "my plan". How do I get myself out there? What do I want to invest my time in long term? I think for now this blog is my window of opportunity to show what I've got. I figured I could use IG as my microblogging platform and increase my creative endurance. I had a false start here last month because I was a little crushed when a few of my ideas didn't pan out. Hello, summertime is not the best time to start a blog if you want to develop some consistency.  It's been eighteen weeks now and I couldn't wait to put more words to what I've been posting. That minor setback is what I needed to build the resolve to make this happen!

I hope that brings us full circle to my intention of sharing this post with you guys. I feel this was necessary to the purpose of my planner search but not suitable for my next post as it will be less personal of an approach.

Thanks for taking the time to hear me out, you're awesome.

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